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Bạn đang xem: Hoi an to nha trang

There are three ways khổng lồ travel from Hoi An khổng lồ Nha Trang: by plane, by train & by bus.

How far is Nha Trang from Hoi An?

The travel distance from Hoi An khổng lồ Nha Trang is 506 km. There are three options khổng lồ travel from Hoi An khổng lồ Nha Trang: taking a flight, a train or a bus.

How long does it take lớn get from Hoi An to Nha Trang?

It takes 1 hour to get from Hoi An to Nha Trang by plane, 10-11 hours by train & by bus.

Depending on the traffic, sometimes the bus arrives 30 minutes earlier or later than scheduled. The plane & the train usually depart và arrives on time.

What types of airlines operate the route from Hoi An to Nha Trang?

There are three domestic airlines operating route Hoi An lớn Nha Trang: Vietnam Airlines (VN), Viet
Jet Air (VJ) & Bamboo Airways (QH).

How much does it cost to lớn get from Hoi An lớn Nha Trang by plane?

The price of the flight ticket from Hoi An to lớn Nha Trang varies depending on the airline and how long you book in advance. It starts from 500,000 VND.

Full-service carriers are more expensive but usually depart on time. Meanwhile, low-cost carriers are cheaper but often suffer delay.

For more information about travelling by plane, please read our Flight Guide in Vietnam.

What types of trains operate the route from Hoi An khổng lồ Nha Trang?

There are two types of train services running the route da Nang khổng lồ Nha Trang that are managed by two operators: Vietnam Railways and Private railway companies.

Vietnam Railways: the state-owned railway company operates its own set of passenger coaches on the trains SE1/2, SE3/4, SE5/6 & SE7/8. Passenger cars are divided in four classes: Hard seat, Soft seat, Soft bed in compartments for 1-4 passengers and Hard bed in compartments for 1-6 passengers.

Private railway companies: a number of private companies operate their own passengers cars attached to the trains hauled by Vietnam Railways, hence depart and arrive according khổng lồ the same schedule. The coaches operated by the private railway companies provide a higher cấp độ of comfort, with luxury cabins decorated with wooden floor and cozy soft beds. The service also includes bottled water and snacks. Passenger cars are divided in two classes: Sleeper 2-Berth in compartments for 1-2 passengers and Sleeper 4-Berth in compartments for 1-4 passengers.

For more information about travelling by train, please read our Train Guide in Vietnam.

How much does it cost khổng lồ get from Hoi An lớn Nha Trang by train?

The train ticket with Vietnam Railways costs from 281,000 VND for Hard seat, 298,000 VND Soft Seat, 458,000 VND for Sleeper 6-berth và 507,000 for Sleeper 4-berth. Meanwhile, the train ticket with private trains costs from 1,150,000 VND for standard Sleeper 4-berth.

If you travel on a budget, Vietnam Railways is good enough as the passenger cars have been upgraded with the interior refurnished & higher unique components.

Where does the train from Hoi An to lớn Nha Trang depart?

Trains on the North-South railway line depart from da Nang Railway Station at 202 nhị Phong, Tân Chinh Ward, Thanh Khe District, Đa Nang.

Please arrive to lớn the station 30 minutes before the scheduled departure time to lớn complete the boarding procedures or risk missing the train.

What types of buses operate the route from Hoi An khổng lồ Nha Trang?

There is only one type of bus running the route Hoi An khổng lồ Nha Trang.

Sleeper Bus: double-deck coaches equipped with fixed berths & capacity for 40–46 passengers. These are quite comfortable so you can sleep during most part of the journey.

For more information about travelling by bus, please read our Bus Guide in Vietnam.

How much does it cost lớn get from Hoi An to Nha Trang by bus?

The price of the bus ticket from Hoi An lớn Nha Trang varies depending on the type of vehicle that you choose. It starts from 264,000 VND.

Keep in mind that some bus companies in Vietnam increase the price on weekends & national holidays.

Where does the bus from Hoi An to Nha Trang depart?

Most buses from Hoi An to Nha Trang depart from the representative offices of the bus companies located in 12 Nguyen Tat Thanh, rã An Ward, Hoi An.

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Please arrive khổng lồ the point of departure at least 30-60 minutes before the scheduled departure time. Chú ý that some bus companies will organize the transfer of passengers from the point of departure lớn the bus terminal by shuttle bus, therefore customers must show up in advance or risk missing the bus.

Where does the bus from Hoi An to Nha Trang arrive?

Most buses from Hoi An to lớn Nha Trang arrive at the representative offices of the bus companies located in 10 Hung Vuong, Loc Tho Ward, Nha Trang.

Where to travel next from Nha Trang?

From Nha Trang, you can go by bus lớn Phan Thiet, Mui Ne, da Lat, Buon Ma Thuot or fly to lớn Hanoi, Ho chi Minh and Can Tho.

Nothing better than visiting two incredible destinations in Vietnam in one vacation. While Nha Trang has a vibrant style, Hoi An maintains its peaceful và nostalgic atmosphere.

How to get from Nha Trang lớn Hoi An Vietnam?

This article is a detailed transportation guide from Nha Trang khổng lồ Hoi An Vietnam by bus, train, & flight, including ticket price, booking tickets online, & schedule.


Nha Trang lớn Hoi An Bus

Duration: 10 hours 30 minutes Cost: starts at $11

Traveling by bus is one of the most common options lớn get to Hoi An from Nha Trang. The journey takes approximately 10 hours 30 minutes.

Bus provider

Hanh Cafe, FUTA, and The
Tourist offer frequent buses with low prices và high-quality rides.

Depending on the bus provider, ticket prices range from 240,000 lớn 330,000 VND.


Currently, the buses only run in a few fixed time frames, such as 19:00 và 20:00. So you need khổng lồ schedule and book early to make sure there are tickets.

Book tickets khổng lồ Hoi An.

Nha Trang to Hoi An Train

Duration: 8 hours 42 minutes Cost: starts at $19 (train) + transfer fee

If you’d like to travel by train from Nha Trang to Hoi An Vietnam, you must stop at da Nang station because Hoi An has no railway station.

Book tickets from Nha Trang to domain authority Nang.

Then, you can take a private oto transfer or shuttle bus khổng lồ transfer from domain authority Nang airport khổng lồ Hoi An.

Check private transfer to lớn Hoi An.


On average, Vietnam Railways offer six trains daily from Nha Trang to domain authority Nang, so you can freely choose your time frame.

SE4 3:02 am
SE2 4:55 am
SE8 1:28 pm
SE6 4:06 pm
SE 22 7:48 pm
SE10 11:13 pm

Depending on the seat, the ticket price will range from 400,000 lớn 900,000 VND. Please cảnh báo that the departing time is subject to lớn change depending on the day.


The railway distance between Nha Trang and Da Nang is approximately 524 km.

Nha Trang Railway Station:17 Thái Nguyên, Nha Trang, thức giấc Khánh HòaDa Nang Railway Station: 202 Hải Phòng, Phường Tân Chính, Quận Thanh Khê, Đà Nẵng

Seat selections

You can select your seats based on your preference.

Soft seat
Sleeper 4-berth
Sleeper 6-berth

Nha Trang lớn Hoi An flight

Duration: 1-hour flight + 30 minutes transferCost: $20 (flight) + transfer fee

Similar lớn the train, there is no airport in Hoi An, so you need khổng lồ fly from Nha Trang to domain authority Nang airport.

Vietnam Airlines & Vietjetoffer frequent flights daily from 450,000 lớn 1,800,000 VND. You can check Skyscanner for the best deals.

Book tickets from Nha Trang to domain authority Nang.

September lớn November is the cheapest time, so you should book early khổng lồ get more incentives.

After taking a flight to domain authority Nang airport, you can take a private transfer straight to Hoi An.