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Image by Annamaria Ward

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 sure has a lot of heartwarming moments, but seeing Drax (Dave Bautista) become the dad of dozens of orphaned children is definitely at the top. Over the years, we all learned khổng lồ love và appreciate the Guardians' big goofball và his attitude, và the new movie showed this "fatherly" side of his character that many of us had forgotten even existed. Looking at him, we see, well, the Destroyer, a skilled warrior và merciless killer who's never easily defeated, but it's always fun seeing how warm và fun he is underneath all that brawn.

Bạn đang xem: Drax from marvel cinematic universe

Although Dave Bautista has already confirmed his plans of retiring from the MCU now that Vol. 3 is out, the new movie does bring another layer of development to Drax & reminds us of why he is the way he is. When he, Nebula (Karen Gillan), and Mantis (Pom Klementieff) finally enter the High Evolutionary's (Chukwudi Iwuji) ship, they find themselves in a dungeon full of kids, who are trying lớn tell the three Guardians how to miễn phí them, but they don't speak the same language. Only later Drax takes the lead và reveals he knew how lớn talk to the kids all along, khổng lồ everyone's surprise. Why didn't he say so earlier? "Because you didn't ask," he replies, a lesson in disguise for Nebula.

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Drax Is an Actual Dad...

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When he talks khổng lồ the kids aboard the High Evolutionary's ship, he nails it. Everything, from the language they speak khổng lồ the language they understand — which are not the same thing, mind you. Kids and adults don't speak the same language, that's why raising a child can be so difficult at times. Nebula would never get through to lớn the kids và captivity speaking with urgency, but, when Drax steps in và performs little bits lượt thích a monkey (despite actually mimicking a robot, but go figure), he has their attention. Kids don't understand urgency as we do, but they can be made khổng lồ act on it if talked to lớn with proper care.

That's what Drax does, reminding everyone that he was once a dad khổng lồ a little girl. Remember that? In the first Guardians of the Galaxy, that was his defining trait: an angry and bitter man who lost everything to Thanos (Josh Brolin) và Ronan the Accuser (Lee Pace) — & by "everything" we mean his wife Ovette and daughter Kamaria. His planet, Kylos, was subject to lớn Thanos' usual modus operandi: randomly dividing the population into two sides, slaughtering one, and allowing the other to lớn survive. No need to say who was left on the surviving side. That's what phối him on his permanent rampage against the two warlords.

Before all that, however, he was a family man. Kylosians are naturally incapable of understanding figures of speech & have no social filter, so he told parts of his life story in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 — even some torrid parts. He recalled how he met Ovette, as well as the stories his father told of how he was conceived. As weird as that may seem (hey, he finds it beautiful, khổng lồ each their own), it shows his true nature as a family man. He's a natural caretaker and only became the Destroyer when he had nothing left to lớn care for.

Losing a child is unthinkable suffering & is against every law of nature, so we can understand why Drax turned out the way he did back in the first Guardians movie. Still when someone becomes a parent, this trait never really goes away, so it was easy for him to connect with the kids in Vol. 3.

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Drax only started khổng lồ soften again when he joined the Guardians, and, looking back, we can see he never really ceased being a dad at his core. Yes, Kylosians have their natural impediments when it comes to language, but some of his weird behavior can almost seem like regular dad behavior if we think about it. That invisibility joke on Avengers: Infinity War? I mean, does anyone really believe they can blend in the environment by staying really still? Yes, dads do. Not in truth, but for their kids' amusement.

So Drax basically became the team's dad. In the first Guardians, he consoles Rocket (Bradley Cooper) after Groot's (Vin Diesel) sacrifice. In Vol. 2, he becomes a surrogate father for Mantis. The whole scene in the dungeon with the kids in Vol. 3 even sounds like a lesson in disguise for Nebula, if we think about it. She had an outburst & yelled at him and Mantis, stating their supposed "incompetence." We understand Nebula was upset và frustrated, & Mantis protected him & wiped his memory about that, but it almost feels like she didn't, because Drax didn't step up khổng lồ help even when he knew he could. After Nebula's angry outburst (and let's keep in mind her father never loved her and was a genocidal maniac), his attitude almost seems like a father telling a daughter to bởi vì things her way và call if she needs help. She needed help but didn't call, so he taught her to. How many times have we had lessons like that taught to lớn us by our parents?

Another very fatherly bit was aboard Orgocorp when Mantis influences a security guard khổng lồ fall in love with Drax. His approach khổng lồ her joke was the "daddiest" possible as if allowing a child to lớn pull the same prank for the millionth time because he knows it will amuse her. Imagine how many times Mantis has pulled this one for him to react lượt thích that. It also shows that his relationship with her was never a romantic one, but one of father and daughter. He's always worried about protecting her and is sad khổng lồ see her leave at the kết thúc of the movie because, well, parents get sad when children leave the nest. Mantis is another Guardian who never had a real dad (remember, her father was literally a planet), so Drax naturally took that role.

In the last sequence of Vol. 3 Drax even dances with the kids on Knowhere during the "Dog Days Are Over" needle drop, showing he always knew how to. He stated his hatred for nhảy đầm in the first Guardians, yes, but let's remember who he was back then. He kept his position about it over the years, & it seems now like it could be the longest-running dad joke on the MCU because he knew how lớn dance all along. Now he has a new family, he carries his daughter & wife with him & has tons of new kids lớn take care of. He can dance a little.

The Walking Thesaurus
Drax comes from an underdeveloped race whose people are completely literal & have difficulty grasping metaphors, though they make up for it with their eloquent speech. They are also fierce warriors with a tribal-like culture. His calm & serious demeanor hides the seething rage and murderous hatred below the surface.

Drax met his wife Ovette at a war rally, và it was her lack of joy and refusal to dance at the event that attracted him to lớn her. Together, they had a daughter, Camaria. When his wife và daughter were slain by Ronan the Accuser of the Kree Empire under the order of the Mad Titan Thanos, he travelled across the galaxy seeking revenge. Slaying dozens of Ronan’s minions and earning the moniker “Drax the Destroyer,” these criminal acts landed him in a Nova Corps high-security prison, Kyln.


While serving his sentence at Kyln, Drax meets Peter Quill (Star-Lord), Rocket, Groot, và adopted daughter of Thanos, Gamora.

Muscle-Bound Whack Job

Drax possesses super human strength, allowing him lớn lift bulk weight, break through stone and metal with ease, & rip machines in half with his bare hands. He can overpower multiple assailants and withstand any threat due to his strong healing factor, impact-resistant skin, & fast regeneration ability. With impeccably fast reflexes, Drax is agile, able to jump high và move at great speed.


A powerful hand-to-hand combatant, Drax is able lớn take on other warriors, like Korath the Pursuer, with little effort. His preferred weapons are dual knives, which he possesses a skilled mastery of and polishes often. However, he has been known to lớn wield the Hadron Enforcer—a weapon invented by Rocket—to intimidate the Ravagers and also against Ronan the Accuser.

Enemies of the Galaxy

Although initially Drax is focused on revenge, his enemies expand to include those that oppose the Guardians of the Galaxy.

Ronan the Accuser, a radical zealot, breaks a peace treaty between the Kree and Xandarians desiring that all Xandarians be destroyed. In his destructive wake, Ronan kills Drax’s wife & daughter, which propels Drax on his revenge mission to lớn defeat Ronan & his forces and allies.

A being of immense strength and cruelty, and the adoptive father of teammate Gamora, Thanos will stop at nothing to lớn get ahold of each Infinity Stone to lớn destroy half the universe in an effort lớn save it. Drax realizes upon Ronan’s death that he was merely a pawn—Thanos is his true enemy.

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Drax joins the Guardians in their fight against the Sovereign High Priestess, who pursues the team for stealing their trang chủ planet’s power nguồn source known as Anulax batteries. He also battles against the Celestial being Ego, biological father to Guardians leader Peter Quill, not only lớn prevent his attempt lớn conquer the universe, but also save his friends.

Friends of the Galaxy

Although initially solitary, Drax teams up with Peter Quill (Star-Lord), Gamora, Rocket, và Groot in Nova Corp prison Kyln lớn escape. They band together further lớn fight Ronan for an Infinity Stone to save the universe. Despite their differences và many disagreements, they become the Guardians of the Galaxy. And so, the Guardians’ allies become those of Drax as well.


Yondu Udontu, along with his first mate Kraglin Obfonteri and the rest of the Ravagers, straddle the line between the ally và enemy roles depending on Yondu’s mood & the payoff. However, he is typically an ally. He helps the Guardians against Ronan's forces and particularly assists them against Ego.

The Nova Corps, led by Nova Prime, is an intergalactic armed force of the Nova Empire with headquarters on Xandar. At first detaining the outlaws, Corpsmen Dey and Denarian Saal later fight alongside them to lớn protect Xandar from Ronan the Accuser.

Nebula, Thanos’ second adoptive daughter & a cybernetically-enhanced, trained assassin, is typically an enemy of the Guardians, stealing the Infinity Stone & trying to stop their assault on Ronan. However, she becomes an ally against Ego & Thanos.

To try lớn stop Thanos, Drax fights alongside a number of Super Heroes on Thanos’ trang chủ planet Titan. He is joined by his fellow Guardians Star-Lord and Mantis, Nebula, Avengers Iron Man & Spider-Man, và the Master of the Mystic Arts Doctor Strange.

An Outlaw's Record
Fueled by rage after Ronan the Accuser killed Drax’s wife Ovette and child Camaria, Drax devotes his life to lớn hunting him và his forces down. His murderous vengeance gives him the nickname “Drax the Destroyer.”


Ultimately, his criminal pursuits land him in the Nova Corps high-security prison, the Kyln, where he confronts Ronan’s ally Gamora. He attempts khổng lồ slay her in order khổng lồ hurt Ronan. Instead, Star-Lord convinces him that Gamora is not his enemy because she has betrayed the Accuser, & if left alive, she can lead him khổng lồ Ronan. Drax relinquishes his threats & helps the outlaws escape the Kyln.

The outlaws planned khổng lồ sell the valuable Orb lớn the Collector. Uninterested in monetary gain, Drax suggested they use the weapon against Ronan instead, leading khổng lồ discontent in the group. While at Knowhere, a đô thị within a severed head of an ancient Celestial being, the outlaws discovered an Infinity Stone existed within the Orb. Following a quarrel with Rocket, Drax summoned Ronan khổng lồ their whereabouts so he could finally meet his foe và avenge his family. Ronan walked away, as he was indifferent to lớn Drax’s revenge plot & unable khổng lồ recall his victims, forcing Drax to attack. Ronan easily overpowered Drax, throwing him into a pool of spinal fluid. Rescued by Groot, Drax understood his role failing khổng lồ keep the Orb from Ronan và having his friends captured by Yondu & the Ravagers, because he realized he was using his anger to lớn hide his pain.

Saving their friends và reuniting on the Milano, Star-Lord devised a plan lớn stop Ronan from destroying Xandar, which included retrieving the Orb and slaying him. Knowing it could mean death, the Guardians supported it, with Drax noting he would see his wife và daughter again. During the battle, in a heroic act, Groot sacrificed himself as he enveloped his friends in protective branches. Drax & Rocket destroyed Ronan’s Universal Weapon freeing the Infinity Stone. Unable khổng lồ hold the stone on his own and nearly dying, the Guardians joined Star-Lord lớn absorb the power & direct the energy at Ronan.

Consoling Drax, Gamora reassured him that his wife và child would rest well knowing Drax avenged them. However, Drax did not feel at ease, as he had realized that Ronan was simply a pawn và that Thanos was his true enemy.

With their criminal records expunged, Drax và his friends continued their adventures across the galaxy as mercs for hire known as the Guardians of the Galaxy. The Guardians were later hired by the Sovereign và their High Priestess Ayesha lớn defeat the creature Abilisk, which was feeding off their planet’s power source, Anulax Batteries. In return for their services, they received the Sovereign’s prisoner—Nebula, Gamora’s adoptive sister. However, on their way out, Drax learned Rocket stole some of the Sovereign’s Anulax Batteries, worth thousands of units a piece.

Discovering the betrayal, the Sovereign pursued the Guardians. Crash landing on the planet Berhert, the Guardians discovered the survived the Sovereign attack due lớn the intervention of a Celestial named Ego and his assistant Mantis. Ego revealed that he is Quill’s biological father & invited them to lớn his planet.

Drax befriended Mantis, teaching her practical jokes and learning about her empathic abilities. Their friendship continued on Ego’s trang chủ planet as Mantis’ innocence reminded him of his daughter. Feeling a bond with her new friends, Mantis revealed Ego’s diabolical plan lớn take over the universe. Recognizing the threat Ego posed to lớn the galaxy and Quill, Gamora, Mantis, Drax, và Nebula discussed their options. Joined by Rocket, Groot và Ravagers Yondu & Kraglin, the two-time galaxy saving heroes saved Quill & defeated Ego.

Along their adventures, the Guardians received a distress call from a ship of refugee Asgardians who had been attacked by an unknown force. Arriving at the destruction too late, they discovered a semi-unconscious Thor, whom Drax admired for his warrior-like physique. Learning of Thanos’s possession of the power nguồn Stone and Space Stone, và his pursuit for the remaining four Infinity Stones, the Guardians and Thor decided to separate into two groups, with Drax, Gamora, & Mantis departing for Knowhere khổng lồ protect the Reality Stone from Thanos.

On Knowhere, the Guardians found Thanos interrogating the Collector about the Reality Stone. Seething with rage and attempting to avenge his family, Drax ignored Quill’s directive & impulsively charged lớn attack the Mad Titan. Subdued by Mantis he was forced lớn relent. Unfortunately, Star-Lord và the Guardians discovered too late that Thanos was already in possession of the Reality Stone, had annihilated Knowhere, & was after his daughter Gamora.

Following the capture of Gamora, Drax, Mantis, và Star-Lord met up with Nebula on Thanos’ trang chủ planet, Titan, where they encountered Doctor Strange, Iron Man and Spider-Man. They all united in their mission to stop Thanos and prevent him from acquiring Doctor Strange’s Time Stone. It was there the team learned the devastating news that the Mad Titan had sacrificed their teammate Gamora for the Soul Stone. Star-Lord, overcome with pain và rage, broke the hold on Thanos when he attacked the Mad Titan, allowing Thanos to escape to Earth, Time Stone in hand, for the remaining Mind Stone.

The Avengers & their allies were unable khổng lồ withhold Vision’s Mind Stone from Thanos in Wakanda. With the snap of his fingers, Thanos executed his plan khổng lồ destroy half the universe và cull overpopulation. On Titan, Drax perished, along with his fellow Guardians, Star-Lord & Mantis.

Returning khổng lồ The Fray Of Battle

Thanks khổng lồ the efforts of the Avengers, Drax and the others who were snapped out of existence by Thanos returned to lớn life five years later. The Destroyer joined everyone else in the major battle against the Thanos from the past in the ruins of the Avengers Compound on Earth. During the fight, he attacked one of the Titan's giants with his signature knives.

In the wake of Tony Stark's memorial, Thor joined the Guardians of the Galaxy, soon to be joined by Korg and Kraglin. Drax bristled a bit at the Asgardian's boastful nature và did not seem to mind when Thor & Korg left the group to lớn investigate one of the God-Butcher's murders while the Guardians answered other calls.


A Christmas Story

Sometime after Gorr was defeated, the Guardians purchased Knowhere and started making repairs in the wake of Thanos' attack on the Collector five years prior. Kraglin conveyed how much Peter liked Christmas as a kid to lớn Drax & Mantis. She said they should get him a present, but he was the one who suggested they get him a person: Quill's hero Kevin Bacon.

Forgetting to lớn turn on the Bowie's cloaking system, Drax accidentally startled the human populace, but they landed above the Hollywood sign & looked for Kevin Bacon in Los Angeles. First they checked a tourist spot, where many people paid Drax and Mantis to lớn take photos with them. They used the money from the photos in a nearby bar where Drax enjoyed Earth's alcohol.

The mission finally turned around when Mantis used her powers to lớn get a star maps and they eventually found Kevin Bacon's house. After being rebuffed by the actor, Drax tosses Mantis over the wall & then jumps himself. On their way inside, Drax becomes infatuated with an elf decoration he called the little funny man. He lost it in chasing Bacon and wanted lớn go after it, but Mantis talked him out of it.

Drax literally laughed off bullets fired at him by the police và Mantis used her powers lớn subdue them and then get Kevin Bacon on board with their plan. They then hit up a holiday decoration store & filled the Bowie before flying back khổng lồ Knowhere. During the flight Mantis used her powers on their guest once more after he revealed that he was not an actual hero, but instead an actor.

While Star-Lord was busy with other matters, Drax, Mantis & the others decorated the surrounding area with Christmas lights, decorations & even a snow machine. He was delighted lớn see all they had done, but was not happy when he realized they had kidnapped Kevin Bacon và played with his mind. After calming down & getting his band right, Bacon agreed to lớn celebrate the holiday. During the celebration, Drax received the little funny man from Mantis and an art piece from Groot.